博士简介. 梅林达Negron-Gonzales

梅琳达·内格伦-冈萨雷斯戴着红领巾的照片. 背景是一张世界地图,蓝色背景显示了各国

7月,Dr。. 梅林达Negron-Gonzales will officially make the jump from Manchester to Durham and join the faculty at the 卡西公共政策学院. 30英里的搬迁可能看起来并不那么重要,因为他的职业生涯已经让他的医生. Negrón-Gonzales来自她的家乡皇后区, 纽约, 去新罕布什尔州的皇后城, 其间会在世界各地停留几站. 然而, the College of Professional Studies (CPS) in Manchester has been her home for the past fifteen years and she has fallen hard for that corner of the 主要研究 community. Dr. Negrón-Gonzales reflected on her career path and her new roles at Carsey during the final weeks of her last semester there.

“我只是对曼彻斯特的学生感到惊讶,”她说,语气明显充满热情. “[My students] manage to juggle a lot of different commitments: work and school and family life… They’re incredibly bright. 它们滋养着我的灵魂.”

“向卡西过渡的时机再好不过了, as an ever-greater number of students have expressed an interest in studying how to address issues with worldwide effects.” 

In addition to her position as an associate professor of political science and department chair of security studies at CPS, Dr. Negrón-Gonzales现在是卡西学院的教员. 通过她的联合任命, 她还将负责联合国大学在卡西分校的全球冲突与人类安全硕士项目, 博士. Negrón-Gonzales于2021年在曼彻斯特推出. 向卡西过渡的时机再好不过了, as an ever-greater number of students have expressed an interest in studying how to address issues with worldwide effects. 

“国际关系, 全球研究, 人道主义援助是很多学生感兴趣的事情, especially as there are more and more conflicts erupting or recurring in the global south in particular,她说。. “That used to be an area that we didn't have covered at the College [of Professional Studies]… That's where the idea came from to create a professional master's program.”

Dr. Negrón-Gonzales几年来一直在考虑这种研究生学位, 当她听说卡西也在试水时. She worked with Dan Bromberg—who was Director of Academic Programs at the time—on studying the curricular overlap between their ideas and potentially collaborating on specific classes. 没过多久. 布朗伯格提出了一个更长久的安排. 

“It was a really good partnership that only lasted like a year and a half before Dan proposed that I just bring the whole program over to Carsey!”

全球冲突与人类安全学位将于今年秋天开设第一批卡西课程, 但博士. Negrón-Gonzales’s interest in global issues can be traced not just back to her graduate and undergraduate studies, 而是她在纽约上小学的时候. Dr. Negrón-Gonzales回忆起她五年级老师热情洋溢地讲述美国为非洲服务的那一天, 这是一个由美国艺术家组成的组织,为埃塞俄比亚多年的饥荒筹集资金. 该集团, 由迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂内尔·里奇领衔, is best remembered today for their 1985 song “We Are the 世界” and the cross-country benefit event they held the next year: Hands Across America. Her teacher leveraged all the excitement into a project where students organized their own fundraiser on behalf of the global poor. 年轻的梅林达, 她的个人行动可以改变世界的想法产生了持久的影响. 

“在皇后区的霍利斯,这是一群非常多样化的孩子. 从那时起,我开始放眼世界,她说。, recalling how she threw herself into the project: wearing the t-shirts and singing along to the songs. “正是在那里,我对全球事务产生了兴趣.”

She connects that first experience of thinking on an international level directly to her undergraduate days at the University of Florida, 博士,. Negrón-Gonzales主修人类学. It was there that she further developed her interest in the people and politics of Africa as well as the Middle East. 

在获得文学学士学位后. Negrón-Gonzales worked for a few years as a bank teller before becoming the coordinator at a non-profit hospice organization. The work resonated so deeply that she soon began volunteering her weekends there as well and found her interest in activism rekindled. The charity’s leader was one of the country’s foremost advocates for palliative care and helped to push the medical field to focus on the emotional wellbeing of patients at the end of their lives. Dr. Negrón-Gonzales was struck by the extraordinary impact that “one person with a vision” could achieve. 当她决定回到佛罗里达大学读研究生时, 她把对世界事务的兴趣和政治宣传结合起来.

做志愿者工作, 这让我想到了公民社会:人们如何在这个世界上做日常的事情,她谈到攻读博士学位前的那些年.”

做志愿者工作, 这让我想到了公民社会:人们如何在这个世界上做日常的事情,她谈到攻读博士学位前的那些年. “I made the switch from anthropology to political science because I was really interested in understanding how everyday people pushed their governments.”

Dr. Negrón-Gonzales enrolled in grad school with the goal of examining how citizens respond to large-scale disputes. 她的课程开始于2001年秋天, 这是研究国际冲突的关键时期. Despite being a brand new student whose academic focus was more on civil wars and social movements, 学校通知她必须教一门永利app新版本官网地址恐怖主义的课. 在政治环境加剧和教学工作增加的情况下, she completed first her master’s in international studies and then officially became Doctor Negrón-Gonzales by earning her doctorate in political science in 2009. 她的论文研究了土耳其的人权活动, 作为富布赖特奖学金的一部分,她还在那里进行了实地研究. 

在主要研究任教的15年里,Dr. Negrón-Gonzales has continued her work on the different groups advocating for human rights in the Middle East broadly, 但通常是着眼于土耳其. Recent research has looked into how “counterterrorism” efforts can function as suppression tactics against political enemies, 2021年,她在《永利app新版本官网地址》上发表了一篇永利app新版本官网地址这个主题的文章. 在她毕业后的几年里, 土耳其经历了公民自由的重大退潮, 尤其是对记者和持不同政见者. 然而,博士. Negrón-Gonzales对那些为基本权利而战的运动背后的人们充满信心.

“你看到这些日常英雄完全被忽视,他们试图提高人们的意识, 是谁在搞破坏, 不仅仅是他们的事业, 但是他们的生活,她谈到记者时说, 律师, 以及她在土耳其遇到的人权活动人士. “我对他们的韧性感到惊讶.”

“你看到这些日常英雄完全被忽视,他们试图提高人们的意识, 是谁在搞破坏, 不仅仅是他们的事业, 但是他们的生活,她谈到记者时说, 律师, 以及她在土耳其遇到的人权活动人士. “我对他们的韧性感到惊讶.”

她对那些在第一线为变革而战的人们有着浓厚的兴趣,这使她成为了美国总统. Negrón-Gonzales卡西社区的一个令人兴奋的新成员. 她的目标是在个人层面上进行研究, 法律法规在哪里, 并将其纳入公共政策层面的研究中, 他们在哪里被决定. She believes that good policy cannot just be top-down: it starts with the people affected by that policy voicing their concerns and advocating for change. Dr. Negrón-Gonzales hopes that the collaborative research she will do at Carsey can help both social movements to push more effectively for policy changes and help decision-makers to design better policies in response. 

“The global conflict program is really going to be a good fit [at] Carsey… I get to be in this wonderful scholarly community of people who are thinking about public service and civil society,她说。. “这就是卡西的工作令人兴奋的地方:它是以政策为导向的, 政策可以有一个真正的, 道德的影响! 这很酷.”

Benjamin Scott Savard ' 23G报道